
marketing Tag

These are crazy times. Businesses are going under, the word 'furlough' is now common parlance and we cannot do so many things that were once taken for granted. I totally understand if you are sat there thinking that now really is not the time to PR...

Promote your business with a killer press release written by a professional journalist and PR. Most press releases hit the spike. That’s an old-fashioned newspaper term for trash. The average editor/reporter/radio show host etc. receives hundreds of releases each week and they simply don’t have time...

  If you’ve been paying attention to our blogs, have found a great story, written a killer press release and sent it to the right people, the chances are, a journalist will get in touch and ask to interview you. As a PR, there is no sweeter...

They do say you should practice what you preach, so it will sound a bit hollow when I tell you that you to blog weekly. You should. It really makes a difference and I have no excuse...